This sign speaks for the marcher holding it: I am a pro-choice warrior on a lifelong mission - to become the most effective, most knowledgeable advocate for reproductive freedom I can be. My opponents are formidable, so I must be clever and confident in my strategies, my weapons, and especially my cohorts. Even a peaceful warrior like me must be fierce on the battlefields - in Congress, in the courtroom, and in communities around the world. Luckily, I am part of a great tribe that will teach, support, and guide me in my mission. I have discovered LAW STUDENTS FOR CHOICE, where I will be serving and learning this summer and beyond. I have chanted and I have marched for women, and know I am marching at the camp headquarters of the rival (Commander in) Chief. I am putting my tribal spirit to a useful, noticable purpose, contributing to power in numbers. I AM MARCHING TO MAKE MY VOICE HEARD ON BEHALF OF ALL THE WOMEN RENDERED VOICELESS by the current system. I am meeting and sharing ideas with pro-choice chiefs and warriors, nurturing relationships and access to the extraordinary wealth of knowledge available. Marching today makes me a stronger, better connected warrior within our mighty pro-choice tribe. I AM A PRO-CHOICE WARRIOR ON A LIFELONG MISSION.